I feel like you, my dear little blog, are the poor lovesick girl and I am that dreamy hunk of a guy you went on a date with once and never called you back. Except, maybe not so dreamy. Or hunky. Or a guy. But you get the point. I've neglected you and you have every right to be upset with me. Forgive me?
Right, then. After a two month unintentional hiatus, I've returned. I've been reading blogs this entire time, just not writing. You're not all that surprised though, are you? I somewhat blame it on what I will call my blogging lessons. I've been reading the blogs of Angie Smith (over
here), Kristina Horner (over
here), and Hayley Hoover (over
here) and learning just what a blog should look like, be like, sound like, you name it. If you don't already read any of these three blogs, I highly suggest it. Angie is one of the biggest inspirations in my life, though she may have absolutely no idea. Kristina and Hayley are just two of the girls I wish I was on a daily basis. They're Monday and Thursday respectively of the fiveawesomegirls of Youtube fame. I've been more or less obsessed with their channel for well over a year. I'm not ashamed and you can't make me be!
So, yes. I'm trying to become a better blogger. I've realized that the only way to do so is to, well...blog. You'd think that would be intuitive, but, well, it's taken me a whole two months to figure that out. I'm a little slow to catch on sometimes.
Speaking of the 5AG (we were, weren't we?), my freshman year of college is coming to a close. Wait. How are those related? It's actually pretty simple. My college friends and I are more or less scattered across Virginia, so, this summer, we're taking up a 5AG-style vlogging extravaganza. It would help if we had a fourth of their creativity, spunk, and general awesomeness, but, well, we'll entertain
ourselves at the very least. Feel free to join us on our summer adventures, if you'd like! (
Over here, at our Youtube collab channel.). It should be great fun.
I only foresee a few issues at the moment. My friends Katie, Kristin, and I (all of the K's. Funny how that works.) are all very much into the project whereas our other three are a little less enthused. Or so it seems at the moment. Mary, Corinne, and Maria haven't exactly gone coocoo for Nerdfighteria the way the rest of us have. Additionally, Maria's going to Africa for the summer, so we've more or less decided that she'll be a guest Saturday vlogger when she returns home. Mary has said little on the subject and Corinne has...well, the same. I guess we'll see how it goes! I might ask my roommate for next year to jump in on the project if she so chooses. Here's the lineup as it stands right now:
Monday -- Kristin
Tuesday -- Kara, your truly
Wednesday -- Corinne
Thursday -- Katie
Friday -- Mary
Saturday(sometimes) -- Maria
In other news, I am SO ready to be back home. We're in our final few days of finals right now. I don't have any until Tuesday and Wednesday when I have two each day, but, I'm studying early, surprisingly. My boyfriend, Dennis, is already home for the summer, seeing as he goes to my school's rival college and just has to one-up me. I'm just aching to be home and spend the summer with him and my family. I miss them all so much.
I'm going to be doing a lot of missing for the next year, actually, seeing as my dad's leaving for Iraq soon. I'm not exactly happy about this in the least, but, I love him and support him and will suck it up. I'm just worried about my mom. I know she's tough, but raising a lot of kids on her own for a year is going to be rough on everyone.
Ah, well. I'm off to dinner with my dear Marybeth before studying for our British Literature final! Love you all!